10 Aug 2021

Why is it so hard to crush this global pandemic? New Burnet podcast series sheds light

Socially distanced Tracy Parrish and Professor Brendan Crabb
making the Burnet Institute's 8 part podcast series on the pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic first impacted our lives – making sense of the science has become a daily challenge for us all.

The world is still not COVID-free. But there is hope – science.

Why is it so hard to crush this global pandemic? Digging through the science of the coronavirus, the Burnet team looks at how we got here, and what comes next. Podcast link

In these uncertain times, Burnet Institute is releasing a special 8-part podcast series sharing engaging stories from some of Australia's visionary scientific thinkers to help make sense of a mutating virus and to give us hope. They'll also share what keeps them awake at night as they grapple with a pandemic – and how science is playing a leading role in shaping our response.

Co-hosted by former ABC Radio journalist Tracy Parish and Burnet Institute Director and CEO Professor Brendan Crabb AC, a microbiologist, malaria researcher and one of the best minds in infectious diseases and global health today.

Listen and subscribe today.


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