7 Sept 2021

Congratulations to Pablo Casillas-Espinosa on election to International League Against Epilepsy

Dr Pablo Casillas-Espinosa

Congratulations to Dr Pablo Casillas-Espinosa, who has been elected to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Young Epilepsy Section (YES) Board as secretary.

Dr Honor Coleman, Chair YES-Australia) writes: 

I am very excited to announce that our own Dr Pablo Casillas-Espinosa was elected to the position of Secretary to the international YES Board.

Pablo is an emerging young leader in epilepsy, biomarkers, and drug development, who has been involved with a number of ILAE educational tasks forces and has been instrumental in setting up the ILAE YES webinar series.

Pablo's election to the Board is truly a reflection of the esteem with which he is held by his peers and recognition of his significant contributions to the YES group to date. Congratulations Pablo!!

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