11 Oct 2021

Participants sought: Effects of odour on the larynx in healthy individuals

Posted on behalf of Dr Asger Sverrild (Fellow in Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Alfred Hospital) via A/Prof Menno van Zelm (Monash Immunology)

We are running a small study (Alfred Ethics 461/21) between now and Christmas 2021 looking at the effects of odour on the larynx in healthy individuals. This will help interpret abnormalities in our patients with vocal cord dysfunction - a clinically important question.

If anyone on campus at The Alfred would be interested to participate, please don't hesitate to contact me, Asger Sverrild - it would be very much appreciated.

Participation involves a 45-minute on-site visit comprising filling out questionnaires and nasal endoscopy with an odour challenge.

In the current environment, we will be taking precautions with appropriate PPE, and COVID-screening swabs for staff and participants prior to the visit.

Enquiries and to obtain a copy of the Patient Information and Consent Form:

Professor Mark Hew
Phone: 9076 2934

Dr Asger Sverrild
Phone: 0492483216

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