13 Oct 2021

Video: Blood not bone marrow? The potential role for blood testing to improve Multiple Myeloma diagnosis and therapy

Prof Andrew Spencer, Dr Durga Mithraprabhu &
Dr Nick Bingham
explain the research for liquid biopsy
 vs bone marrow test for multiple myeloma.
See video 1:30:12 hours

The CCS Consumer Engagement committee hosted our first community webinar on 7 October - "Blood not bone marrow? The potential role for blood testing to improve Multiple Myeloma diagnosis and therapy". See webinar video.

Presentations were given by members of the Spencer lab in the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, as well as their consumer partner Mr Henry Blatman and a representative of Myeloma Australia, Ms Hayley Beer.

334 people registered for the webinar, and nearly 200 attended on the night. We have received wonderful feedback from our attendees, who really appreciated the time taken by our expert speakers to present their research to the community, as well as hearing the inspiring personal story given by Henry.

If you would like to view a recording of the webinar, see our event webpage or the CCS Youtube channel video.


The CCS CARE team

Consumer Engagement Committee
Central Clinical School
Monash University
acbd.care@monash.edu | 0408 935 424

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