1 Dec 2021

And the 2021 CCS graduate symposium winners are...!

Neuroscience scooped the pool for the poster presentations.
L-R: Robb Wesselingh, Erskine Chu and Marisso Sgro (2x!)

The Central Clinical School's 2021 Graduate Symposium was held last Friday, 26 November. It was well attended with fascinating presentations. Congratulations to all of our winners! See details of their presentation titles in the CCS graduate symposium program.

Oral Presentation

1st - Hugh Cottingham (Infectious Diseases)
2nd - Jacqui Riddiford (Psychiatry)
3rd - Christopher Chew (Medicine)
People’s Choice - Christopher Chew (Medicine)

Science Byte
1st – Rosela Webster (Immunology)
2nd – Matthew Drill (Neuro)
3rd – Michael Loftus (Infectious Diseases)
People’s Choice – Rosela Webster (Immunology)

1st – Erskine Chu (Neuro)
2nd – Robb Wesselingh (Neuro)
3rd – Marissa Sgro (Neuro)
People’s Choice – Marissa Sgro (Neuro)

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