3 Feb 2022

Congratulations to Dr Gemma Sharp on best paper award!

A paper on the KIT chatbot concept and methodology led by Dr Gemma Sharp
has won best paper award from the Society for Mental Health Research
Congratulations to Dr Gemma Sharp, who has won the 'Best Paper' competition of The Society for Mental Health Research. Dr Sharp is senior author on "Development of a positive body image chatbot (KIT) with young people and parents/carers: Qualitative focus group study."

The paper outlines the co-design of the chatbot which led to KIT's successful launch in November 2020 on the Butterfly Foundation website and on Facebook chat. KIT has helped over 20,000 people in their first year of life and has big plans for 2022!

The SMHR wrote, "Our expert reviewers, drawn from our top ranking mental health research institutions across Australia, made special comment on the high quality, competitiveness, and calibre of all applications received.

"We are pleased to advise that your application was the top ranked application received for EMCR [Early Middle Career Researcher]/Applied Research, and your submission for Best Paper Competition was successful. Congratulations!"


Beilharz F, Sukunesan S, Rossell SL, Kulkarni J, Sharp G. Development of a Positive Body Image Chatbot (KIT) With Young People and Parents/Carers: Qualitative Focus Group Study. J Med Internet Res. 2021 Jun 16;23(6):e27807. doi: 10.2196/27807. PMID: 34132644; PMCID: PMC8277317.

KIT chatbot: butterfly.org.au/chattokit/

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