15 Feb 2022

Dec 2021 - 13 Feb 2022 Central Clinical School recent publications

Fasting high blood sugar levels indicate a higher risk of
adverse outcomes from COVID-19 infection: Study

Recent publications featuring research as notified by PubMed during December 2021 - 13 February 2022 from Central Clinical School affiliated researchers in the following departments. The below is not a comprehensive list, there are too many!

 The most recent validated publications for the school and departments can be seen on their publications pages, linked to from the headings below. Otherwise, read down the entry for recent notifications.

Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

Coutsouvelis J, Corallo C, Spencer A, Avery S, Dooley M, Kirkpatrick C. A meta-analysis of palifermin efficacy for the management of oral mucositis in patients with solid tumours and haematological malignancy. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2022 Jan 28:103606. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2022.103606. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35101586.

Lim HY, Donnan G, Nandurkar H, Ho P. Global coagulation assays in hypercoagulable states. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2022 Jan 8. doi: 10.1007/s11239-021-02621-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34997471.

McCormack MP. T/myeloid MPAL: origin and pathogenesis. Blood. 2022 Jan 20;139(3):313-315. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021014129. PMID: 35050331.

Nikesitch N, Rebeiro P, Ho LL, Pothula S, Wang XM, Khong T, Quek H, Spencer A, Lee CS, Roberts TL, Ling SCW. The Role of Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy in Bortezomib Resistant Multiple Myeloma. Cells. 2021 Dec 8;10(12):3464. doi: 10.3390/cells10123464. PMID: 34943972; PMCID: PMC8700264.

Wang J, Lim HY, Nandurkar H, Ho P. Age, sex and racial differences in fibrin formation and fibrinolysis within the healthy population. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2022 Mar 1;33(2):141-144. doi: 10.1097/MBC.0000000000001115. PMID: 35081546.

Department of Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine

Aykanat VM, Myles PS, Weinberg L, Burrell A, Bellomo R. Low-Concentration Norepinephrine Infusion for Major Surgery: A Safety and Feasibility Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesth Analg. 2022 Feb 1;134(2):410-418. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005811. PMID: 34872102.

Myles PS, Medcalf R. Fibrinolysis and Trauma Outcomes. Anesthesiology. 2022 Jan 1;136(1):7-9. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004020. PMID: 34874993.

Reilly JR, Deng C, Brown WA, Brown D, Gabbe BJ, Hodgson CL, Myles PS. Towards a national perioperative outcomes registry: A survey of perioperative electronic medical record utilisation to support quality assurance and research at Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Clinical Trials Network hospitals in Australia. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2022 Jan 18:310057X211030284. doi: 10.1177/0310057X211030284. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35040352.

Department of Diabetes

Chen YC, Jandeleit-Dahm K, Peter K. Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitor Dapagliflozin Stabilizes Diabetes-Induced Atherosclerotic Plaque Instability. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 Jan 4;11(1):e022761. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.022761. Epub 2021 Dec 31. PMID: 34970931.

Liang J, Pitsillou E, Ververis K, Guallar V, Hung A, Karagiannis TC. Small molecule interactions with the SARS-CoV-2 main protease: In silico all-atom microsecond MD simulations, PELE Monte Carlo simulations, and determination of in vitro activity inhibition. J Mol Graph Model. 2022 Jan;110:108050. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2021.108050. Epub 2021 Oct 11. PMID: 34655918; PMCID: PMC8504156.

Majoni SW, Nelson J, Germaine D, ..., Lawton PD, Taylor S, Barzi F, Cass A; INFERR study Group. INFERR-Iron infusion in haemodialysis study: INtravenous iron polymaltose for First Nations Australian patients with high FERRitin levels on haemodialysis-a protocol for a prospective open-label blinded endpoint randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2021 Dec 2;22(1):868. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05854-w. PMID: 34857020; PMCID: PMC8641231.

Østergaard JA, Jha JC, Sharma A, Dai A, Choi JSY, de Haan JB, Cooper ME, Jandeleit-Dahm K. Adverse renal effects of NLRP3 inflammasome inhibition by MCC950 in an interventional model of diabetic kidney disease. Clin Sci (Lond). 2022 Jan 28;136(2):167-180. doi: 10.1042/CS20210865. PMID: 35048962; PMCID: PMC8777085.

Pinzon Cortes JA, El-Osta A, Fontemaggi G, Delihas N, Miyazaki K, Goel A, Brazane M, Carré C, Dama P, Bayraktar S, Castellano L, Enguita FJ, Mitic T, Caporali A, Gerber AP, Amodio N. The Non-Coding RNA Journal Club: Highlights on Recent Papers-10. Noncoding RNA. 2022 Jan 10;8(1):3. doi: 10.3390/ncrna8010003. PMID: 35076559; PMCID: PMC8788465.

Wang W, Chai Z, Cooper ME, Zimmet PZ, Guo H, Ding J, Yang F, Chen X, Lin X, Zhang K, Zhong Q, Li Z, Zhang P, Wu Z, Guan X, Zhang L, He K. High Fasting Blood Glucose Level With Unknown Prior History of Diabetes Is Associated With High Risk of Severe Adverse COVID-19 Outcome. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021 Dec 8;12:791476. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.791476. PMID: 34956098; PMCID: PMC8692378.

Zhao L, Zou Y, Bai L, Zhou L, Ren H, Wu Y, Wang Y, Li S, Su Q, Tang L, Zhao Y, Xu H, Li L, Chai Z, Cooper ME, Tong N, Zhang J, Liu F. Prognostic value of metabolic syndrome in renal structural changes in type 2 diabetes. Int Urol Nephrol. 2022 Jan 19. doi: 10.1007/s11255-021-03051-x. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35043385.

Department of Gastroenterology

Ardalan ZS, Con D, Chandran S, Digby-Bell J, Gibson D, Pham A, De Cruz P, Tay K, Bell S, Sparrow MP, Gibson PR. The Reliability and Accuracy of Endoscopic Items and Scores Used in the Assessment of the Ileoanal Pouch and Cuff. J Crohns Colitis. 2022 Jan 28;16(1):18-26. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab126. PMID: 34302731.

Gibson PR, Halmos EP, So D, Yao CK, Varney JE, Muir JG. Diet as a therapeutic tool in chronic gastrointestinal disorders: Lessons from the FODMAP journey. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 Jan 6. doi: 10.1111/jgh.15772. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34994019.

Huang YK, Busuttil RA, Boussioutas A. The Role of Innate Immune Cells in Tumor Invasion and Metastasis. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Nov 23;13(23):5885. doi: 10.3390/cancers13235885. PMID: 34884995; PMCID: PMC8656477.

Makharia G, Gibson PR, Bai JC, Karakan T, Lee YY, Collins L, Muir J, Oruc N, Quigley E, Sanders DS, Tuck C, Yurdaydin C, Le Mair A. World Gastroenterology Organisation Global Guidelines: Diet and the Gut. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2022 Jan 1;56(1):1-15. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001588. PMID: 34860201.

So D, Yao CK, Ardalan ZS, Thwaites PA, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Gibson PR, Muir JG. Supplementing Dietary Fibers With a Low-FODMAP Diet in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021 Dec 18:S1542-3565(21)01340-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2021.12.016. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34929392.

Xiong W, Devkota L, Zhang B, Muir J, Dhital S. Intact cells: "Nutritional capsules" in plant foods. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2022 Jan 24. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12904. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35075758.

Department of Immunology and Pathology; Respiratory Research@Alfred

Andrews K, Smith M, Cox NS. The physiotherapy consultation: A qualitative study of the experience of parents of infants with cystic fibrosis in Australia. Physiother Theory Pract. 2022 Jan 18:1-7. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2021.2023932. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35042441.

Andrews K, Smith M, Cox NS. Physiotherapy: At what cost? Parents experience of performing chest physiotherapy for infants with cystic fibrosis. J Child Health Care. 2021 Dec;25(4):616-627. doi: 10.1177/1367493520976481. Epub 2020 Nov 30. PMID: 33249885.

Binger KJ, Wright MD. Seeing your partner: Structural elucidation of the first C8 tetraspanin protein. Structure. 2022 Feb 3;30(2):203-205. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2022.01.003. PMID: 35120595.

Bismark M, Scurrah K, Pascoe A, Willis K, Jain R, Smallwood N. Thoughts of suicide or self-harm among Australian healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2022 Feb 7:48674221075540. doi: 10.1177/00048674221075540. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35128948.

Blakey J, Chung LP, McDonald VM, Ruane L, Gornall J, Barton C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Harrington J, Hew M, Holland AE, Hopkins T, Jayaram L, Reddel H, Upham JW, Gibson PG, Bardin P. Oral corticosteroids stewardship for asthma in adults and adolescents: A position paper from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Respirology. 2021 Dec;26(12):1112-1130. doi: 10.1111/resp.14147. Epub 2021 Sep 29. PMID: 34587348.

Di Pietro A, Polmear J, Cooper L, Damelang T, Hussain T, Hailes L, O'Donnell K, Udupa V, Mi T, Preston S, Shtewe A, Hershberg U, Turner SJ, La Gruta NL, Chung AW, Tarlinton DM, Scharer CD, Good-Jacobson KL. Targeting BMI-1 in B cells restores effective humoral immune responses and controls chronic viral infection. Nat Immunol. 2022 Jan;23(1):86-98. doi: 10.1038/s41590-021-01077-y. Epub 2021 Nov 29. PMID: 34845392.

Disler R, Pascoe A, Luckett T, Donesky D, Irving L, Currow DC, Smallwood N. Barriers to Palliative Care Referral and Advance Care Planning (ACP) for Patients With COPD: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Palliative Care Nurses. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2022 Feb;39(2):169-177. doi: 10.1177/10499091211018192. Epub 2021 May 20. PMID: 34013782.

Green ET, Cox NS, Holland AE. A Brief Intervention of Physical Activity Education and Counseling in Community Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. J Aging Phys Act. 2021 Dec 1:1-8. doi: 10.1123/japa.2021-0256. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34853185.

Hartley GE, van Zelm MC, Robinson MJ. The benefit of boosters: diversity and inclusion in the COVID-19 memory response. Immunol Cell Biol. 2022 Jan;100(1):15-17. doi: 10.1111/imcb.12511. Epub 2021 Dec 5. PMID: 34865234.

Khor YH, Ng Y, Sweeney D, Ryerson CJ. Nocturnal hypoxaemia in interstitial lung disease: a systematic review. Thorax. 2021 Dec;76(12):1200-1208. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216749. Epub 2021 Apr 29. PMID: 33927018.

Lewis S, Willis K, Bismark M, Smallwood N. A time for self-care? Frontline health workers' strategies for managing mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. SSM Ment Health. 2022 Dec;2:100053. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmmh.2021.100053. Epub 2021 Dec 7. PMID: 34913042; PMCID: PMC8660664.

Nakazawa A, Dowman LM, Cox NS, Brazzale DJ, McDonald CF, Hill CJ, Lee A, Holland AE. Prescribing walking training in interstitial lung disease from the 6-minute walk test. Physiother Theory Pract. 2022 Jan 24:1-5. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2029992. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35073825.

Pascoe A, Paul E, Johnson D, Putland M, Willis K, Smallwood N. Differences in Coping Strategies and Help-Seeking Behaviours among Australian Junior and Senior Doctors during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 16;18(24):13275. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182413275. PMID: 34948889; PMCID: PMC8706730.

Petrie K, Smallwood N, Pascoe A, Willis K. Mental Health Symptoms and Workplace Challenges among Australian Paramedics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 17;19(2):1004. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19021004. PMID: 35055836; PMCID: PMC8775775.

Smallwood N, Harrex W, Rees M, Willis K, Bennett CM. COVID-19 infection and the broader impacts of the pandemic on healthcare workers. Respirology. 2022 Jan 19. doi: 10.1111/resp.14208. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35048469.

Thomas P, Baldwin C, Beach L, Bissett B, Boden I, Cruz SM, Gosselink R, Granger CL, Hodgson C, Holland AE, Jones AY, Kho ME, van der Lee L, Moses R, Ntoumenopoulos G, Parry SM, Patman S. Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting and beyond: an update to clinical practice recommendations. J Physiother. 2022 Jan;68(1):8-25. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2021.12.012. Epub 2021 Dec 23. PMID: 34953756; PMCID: PMC8695547.

Zotos D, Quast I, Li-Wai-Suen CSN, McKenzie CI, Robinson MJ, Kan A, Smyth GK, Hodgkin PD, Tarlinton DM. The concerted change in the distribution of cell cycle phases and zone composition in germinal centers is regulated by IL-21. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec 9;12(1):7160. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27477-0. PMID: 34887406; PMCID: PMC8660905.

Department of Infectious Diseases

Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators [incl. Peleg A]. Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis. Lancet. 2022 Feb 12;399(10325):629-655. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02724-0. Epub 2022 Jan 19. PMID: 35065702.

Bilal H, Tait JR, Lang Y, Zhou J, Bergen PJ, Peleg AY, Bulitta JB, Oliver A, Nation RL, Landersdorfer CB. Simulated intravenous versus inhaled tobramycin with and without intravenous ceftazidime evaluated against hypermutable Pseudomonas aeruginosa via a dynamic biofilm model and mechanism-based modeling. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2022 Jan 18:aac0220321. doi: 10.1128/aac.02203-21. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35041509.

Harney BL, Brereton R, Whitton B, Pietrzak D, Paige E, Roberts SK, Birks S, Saraf S, Hellard ME, Doyle JS. Letter in response: Psychiatrists can treat hepatitis C. J Viral Hepat. 2021 Dec;28(12):1765-1766. doi: 10.1111/jvh.13619. Epub 2021 Oct 5. PMID: 34582615.

Naranbhai V, Garcia-Beltran WF, Chang CC, ..., Iafrate AJ. Comparative immunogenicity and effectiveness of mRNA-1273, BNT162b2 and Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccines. J Infect Dis. 2021 Dec 9:jiab593. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiab593. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34888672; PMCID: PMC8689763.

Department of Medicine

Balogun SA, Srikanth V, van der Leeuw G, Callisaya ML. Prospective associations between pain at multiple sites and falls among community-dwelling older Australians. Intern Med J. 2021 Dec 12. doi: 10.1111/imj.15659. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34897950.

Cheyne S, Lindley RI, Smallwood N, Tendal B, Chapman M, Fraile Navarro D, Good PD, Jenkin P, McDonald S, Morgan D, Murano M, Millard T, Naganathan V, Srikanth V, Tuffin P, Vogel J, White H, Chakraborty SP, Whiting E, William L, Yates PM, Callary M, Elliott J, Agar MR; National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce. Care of older people and people requiring palliative care with COVID-19: guidance from the Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce. Med J Aust. 2021 Dec 5. doi: 10.5694/mja2.51353. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34865227.

Cole J, Beare R, Phan T, Srikanth V, Stub D, Smith K, Murdoch K, Layland J. Modelling STEMI service delivery: a proof of concept study. Emerg Med J. 2021 Dec 22:emermed-2020-210334. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2020-210334. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34937708.

Lodge ME, Moran C, Sutton ADJ, Lee HC, Dhesi JK, Andrew NE, Ayton DR, Hunter-Smith DJ, Srikanth VK, Snowdon DA. Patient-reported outcome measures to evaluate postoperative quality of life in patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery: a systematic review. Qual Life Res. 2022 Jan 22. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-03071-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35064414.

Orman Z, Thrift AG, Olaiya MT, Ung D, Cadilhac DA, Phan T, Nelson MR, Srikanth VK, Vuong J, Bladin CF, Gerraty RP, Fitzgerald SM, Frayne J, Kim J; STANDFIRM (Shared Team Approach between Nurses and Doctors For Improved Risk factor Management) Investigators. Quality of life after stroke: a longitudinal analysis of a cluster randomized trial. Qual Life Res. 2022 Jan 24. doi: 10.1007/s11136-021-03066-y. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35067819.

Pang RK, Srikanth V, Snowdon DA, Weller CD, Berry B, Braun G, Edwards I, McGee F, Azzopardi R, Andrew NE. Targeted care navigation to reduce hospital readmissions in 'at-risk' patients. Intern Med J. 2021 Nov 29. doi: 10.1111/imj.15634. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34841635.

Riddell MA, Mini GK, Joshi R, Thrift AG, Guggilla RK, Evans RG, Thankappan KR, Chalmers K, Chow CK, Mahal AS, Kalyanram K, Kartik K, Suresh O, Thomas N, Maulik PK, Srikanth VK, Arabshahi S, Varma RP, D'Esposito F, Oldenburg B. ASHA-Led Community-Based Groups to Support Control of Hypertension in Rural India Are Feasible and Potentially Scalable. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Nov 22;8:771822. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.771822. PMID: 34881267; PMCID: PMC8645590.

Schneider-Futschik EK, Lobert VH, Wilson JW. Editorial: Functional Characterization and Pharmaceutical Targets in Common and Rare CFTR Dysfunctions. Front Physiol. 2022 Jan 24;12:830285. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.830285. PMID: 35140634; PMCID: PMC8819176.

See Hoe LE, Wildi K, Obonyo NG, ..., McGiffin DC, Fraser JF. A clinically relevant sheep model of orthotopic heart transplantation 24 h after donor brainstem death. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2021 Dec 24;9(1):60. doi: 10.1186/s40635-021-00425-4. PMID: 34950993; PMCID: PMC8702587.

Subramaniam A, Pilcher D, Tiruvoipati R, Wilson J, Mitchell H, Xu D, Bailey M. Timely goals of care documentation in frail patients in the COVID era: A retrospective multi-site study. Intern Med J. 2021 Dec 22. doi: 10.1111/imj.15671. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34935268.

Tharmaratnam D, Karayiannis CC, Collyer TA, Arima H, McClure LA, Chalmers J, Anderson CS, Benavente OR, White CL, Algra A, Moran C, Phan TG, Wang WC, Srikanth V; Blood Pressure in the Very Elderly with Previous Stroke (BP‐VEPS) Investigators †. Is Blood Pressure Lowering in the Very Elderly With Previous Stroke Associated With a Higher Risk of Adverse Events? J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Dec 21;10(24):e022240. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.022240. Epub 2021 Dec 16. PMID: 34913363.

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre

Aung ET, Chen MY, Fairley CK, Higgins N, Williamson DA, Tomnay JE, Cook KA, Peel J, Dharmakulasinghe V, Alpren C, Chow EPF. Spatial and Temporal Epidemiology of Infectious Syphilis in Victoria, Australia, 2015-2018. Sex Transm Dis. 2021 Dec 1;48(12):e178-e182. doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001438. PMID: 33859143.

Chow EP, Fairley CK, Wigan R, Hocking JS, Garland SM, Cornall AM, Tabrizi SN, Chen MY. Accuracy of Self-reported Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Status Among Gay and Bisexual Adolescent Males: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2021 Dec 6;7(12):e32407. doi: 10.2196/32407. PMID: 34874884; PMCID: PMC8691408.

Chow EPF, Fairley CK, Williamson DA, Chen MY. Spatial mapping of gonorrhoea notifications by sexual practice in Victoria, Australia, 2017-2019. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2021 Dec;45(6):672-674. doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.13180. Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34762335.

Gan J, Kularadhan V, Chow EPF, Fairley CK, Hocking JS, Kong FYS, Ong JJ. What do young people in high-income countries want from STI testing services? A systematic review. Sex Transm Infect. 2021 Dec;97(8):574-583. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-055044. Epub 2021 Jun 30. PMID: 34193529.

Hocking JS, Wood A, Temple-Smith M, Braat S, Law M, Bulfone L, Jones C, van Driel M, Fairley CK, Donovan B, Guy R, Low N, Kaldor J, Gunn J. The impact of removing financial incentives and/or audit and feedback on chlamydia testing in general practice: A cluster randomised controlled trial (ACCEPt-able). PLoS Med. 2022 Jan 4;19(1):e1003858. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003858. PMID: 34982767; PMCID: PMC8726492.

Khoo VPH, Ting RS, Wang X, Luo Y, Seeley J, Ong JJ, Zhao M, Morsillo J, Su C, Fu X, Zhang L. Risk and Protective Factors for the Mental Wellbeing of Deployed Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China: A Qualitative Study. Front Psychol. 2021 Dec 9;12:773510. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.773510. PMID: 34955992; PMCID: PMC8695437.

Lee D, Chow EPF, Aguirre I, Fairley CK, Ong JJ. Access to HIV Antiretroviral Therapy among People Living with HIV in Melbourne during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 3;18(23):12765. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182312765. PMID: 34886496; PMCID: PMC8657228.

Li R, Li Y, Zou Z, Liu Y, Li X, Zhuang G, Shen M, Zhang L. Evaluating the Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Variants on the COVID-19 Epidemic and Social Restoration in the United States: A Mathematical Modelling Study. Front Public Health. 2022 Jan 10;9:801763. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.801763. PMID: 35083192; PMCID: PMC8786080.

Towns JM, Williamson DA, Bradshaw CS. Case of Mycoplasma genitalium pelvic inflammatory disease with perihepatitis. Sex Transm Infect. 2021 Dec;97(8):628. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-055279. Epub 2021 Oct 20. PMID: 34670819.

Tucker JD, Fu H, Ong JJ. 'Nothing about us without us': public engagement to inform sexual health research and services. Sex Transm Infect. 2021 Dec;97(8):551-552. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2021-055201. Epub 2021 Sep 20. PMID: 34544890.

Vodstrcil LA, Plummer EL, Doyle M, Murray GL, Bodiyabadu K, Jensen JS, Whiley D, Sweeney E, Williamson DA, Chow EPF, Fairley CK, Bradshaw CS. Combination therapy for Mycoplasma genitalium, and new insights into the utility of parC mutant detection to improve cure. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Jan 4:ciab1058. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab1058. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34984438.

Department of Neuroscience

Campagna MP, Xavier A, Lechner-Scott J, Maltby V, Scott RJ, Butzkueven H, Jokubaitis VG, Lea RA. Epigenome-wide association studies: current knowledge, strategies and recommendations. Clin Epigenetics. 2021 Dec 4;13(1):214. doi: 10.1186/s13148-021-01200-8. PMID: 34863305; PMCID: PMC8645110.

Eratne D, Loi SM, Li QX, .., Perucca P, Dobson H, Vivash L, Ali R, O'Brien TJ, Hansson O, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Walterfang M, Masters CL, Berkovic SF, Collins S, Velakoulis D; MiND Study Group. Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain differentiates primary psychiatric disorders from rapidly progressive, Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal disorders in clinical settings. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Feb 1. doi: 10.1002/alz.12549. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35102694.

Foster E, Chen Z, Vaughan DN, Tailby C, Carney PW, D'Souza W, Au Yong HM, Nicolo JP, Pellinen J, Carrillo de Albornoz S, Liew D, O'Brien TJ, Kwan P, Ademi Z. Prospective multisite cohort study of patient-reported outcomes in adults with new-onset seizures. Epilepsia Open. 2021 Dec 16. doi: 10.1002/epi4.12571. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34913272.

Hocking DR, Loesch DZ, Stimpson P, Tassone F, Atkinson A, Storey E. Delineating the Relationships Between Motor, Cognitive-Executive and Psychiatric Symptoms in Female FMR1 Premutation Carriers. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 3;12:742929. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.742929. PMID: 34925088; PMCID: PMC8678043.

Javaid MS, Antonic-Baker A, Pitsillou E, Liang J, French C, Hung A, O'Brien TJ, Kwan P, Karagiannis TC, Anderson A. Alpha-lipoic acid analogues in the regulation of redox balance in epilepsy: A molecular docking and simulation study. J Mol Graph Model. 2021 Dec 27;112:108116. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2021.108116. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35026665.

Koko M, Motelow JE, Stanley KE, Bobbili DR, Dhindsa RS, May P; Canadian Epilepsy Network; Epi4K Consortium; Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project; EpiPGX Consortium; EuroEPINOMICS-CoGIE Consortium. Association of ultra-rare coding variants with genetic generalized epilepsy: A case-control whole exome sequencing study. Epilepsia. 2022 Jan 15. doi: 10.1111/epi.17166. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35032048.

Kolbe SC, Garcia LM, Yu N, Boonstra FM, Clough M, Sinclair B, White O, van der Walt A, Butzkueven H, Fielding J, Law M. Lesion Volume in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis is Associated with Perivascular Space Enlargement at the Level of the Basal Ganglia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2022 Feb;43(2):238-244. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A7398. PMID: 35121585.

Lopez JA, Houston SD, Tea F, Merheb V, Lee FXZ, Smith S, McDonald D, Zou A, Liyanage G, Pilli D, Denkova M, Lechner-Scott J, van der Walt A, Barnett MH, Reddel SW, Broadley S, Ramanathan S, Dale RC, Brown DA, Brilot F. Validation of a Flow Cytometry Live Cell-Based Assay to Detect Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibodies for Clinical Diagnostics. J Appl Lab Med. 2022 Jan 5;7(1):12-25. doi: 10.1093/jalm/jfab101. PMID: 34718586.

Mitra B, Reyes J, O'Brien WT, Surendran N, Carter A, Bain J, McEntaggart L, Sorich E, Shultz SR, O'Brien TJ, Willmott C, Rosenfeld JV, McDonald SJ. Micro-RNA levels and symptom profile after mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal cohort study. J Clin Neurosci. 2022 Jan;95:81-87. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2021.11.021. Epub 2021 Dec 9. PMID: 34929656.

Seery N, Butzkueven H, O'Brien TJ, Monif M. Contemporary advances in anti-NMDAR antibody (Ab)-mediated encephalitis. Autoimmun Rev. 2022 Jan 31;21(4):103057. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2022.103057. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35092831.

Siriratnam P, Foster E, Shakhatreh L, Neal A, Carney PW, Jackson GD, O'Brien TJ, Kwan P, Chen Z, Ademi Z. The effect of epilepsy surgery on productivity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsia. 2022 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/epi.17172. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35088411.

Spelman T, Herring WL, Zhang Y, ..., van der Walt A, Jokubaitis VG, Kalincik T, Butzkueven H; MSBase Investigators. Comparative Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Natalizumab and Fingolimod in Patients with Inadequate Response to Disease-Modifying Therapies in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in the United Kingdom. Pharmacoeconomics. 2021 Dec 18. doi: 10.1007/s40273-021-01106-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34921350.

Tang CC, Soh SE, Boonstra F, Noffs G, Kolbe SC, Butzkueven H, Evans A, Van der Walt A. Quantifying the impact of upper limb tremor on the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis: a comparison between the QUEST and MSIS-29 scales. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2022 Jan 4;58:103495. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2022.103495. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35085981.

Vivash L, Bertram KL, Malpas CB, Marotta C, Harding IH, Kolbe S, Fielding J, Clough M, Lewis SJG, Tisch S, Evans AH, O'Sullivan JD, Kimber T, Darby D, Churilov L, Law M, Hovens CM, Velakoulis D, O'Brien TJ. Sodium selenate as a disease-modifying treatment for progressive supranuclear palsy: protocol for a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2021 Dec 16;11(12):e055019. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055019. PMID: 34916328; PMCID: PMC8679117.

Wesselingh R, Broadley J, Buzzard K, Tarlinton D, Seneviratne U, Kyndt C, Stankovich J, Sanfilippo P, Nesbitt C, D'Souza W, Macdonell R, Butzkueven H, O'Brien TJ, Monif M. Electroclinical biomarkers of autoimmune encephalitis. Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Jan 28;128:108571. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2022.108571. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35101840.

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Department of Psychiatry

Fitzgerald PB, Gill S, Breakspear M, Kulkarni J, Chen L, Pridmore S, Purushothaman S, Galletly C, Clarke P, Ng F, Hussain S, Chamoli S, Csizmadia T, Tolan P, Cocchi L, Ibrahim Oam S, Shankar K, Sarma S, Lau M, Loo C, Yadav T, Hoy KE. Revisiting the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment in depression, again. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 30:48674211068788. doi: 10.1177/00048674211068788. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34969310.

Kirkovski M, Hill AT, Rogasch NC, Saeki T, Fitzgibbon BM, Yang J, Do M, Donaldson PH, Albein-Urios N, Fitzgerald PB, Enticott PG. A single- and paired-pulse TMS-EEG investigation of the N100 and long interval cortical inhibition in autism spectrum disorder. Brain Stimul. 2022 Jan-Feb;15(1):229-232. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2021.12.010. Epub 2021 Dec 29. PMID: 34973461.

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Department of Surgery & National Trauma Research Institute

Brown WA, Ahern S, MacCormick AD, Reilly JR, Smith JA, Watters DA. Clinical quality registries: urgent reform is required to enable best practice and best care. ANZ J Surg. 2022 Jan 18. doi: 10.1111/ans.17438. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35040551.

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Gabbe BJ, Veitch W, Mather A, Curtis K, Holland AJA, Gomez D, Civil I, Nathens A, Fitzgerald M, Martin K, Teague WJ, Joseph A. Review of the requirements for effective mass casualty preparedness for trauma systems. A disaster waiting to happen? Br J Anaesth. 2022 Feb;128(2):e158-e167. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2021.10.038. Epub 2021 Dec 2. PMID: 34863512.

Gangahanumaiah S, Zhu M, Summerhayes R, Marasco SF. Spinal cord infarction and peripheral extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a case series. Eur Heart J Case Rep. 2021 Dec 11;5(12):ytab488. doi: 10.1093/ehjcr/ytab488. PMID: 34934901; PMCID: PMC8684805.

Groombridge CJ, Maini A, Ayton D, Soh SE, Walsham N, Kim Y, Smit V, Fitzgerald M. Emergency physicians' experience of stress during resuscitation and strategies for mitigating the effects of stress on performance. Emerg Med J. 2021 Dec 14:emermed-2021-211280. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2021-211280. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34907004.

Marasco SF, Balogh ZJ, Wullschleger ME, Hsu J, Patel B, Fitzgerald M, Martin K, Summerhayes R, Bailey M. Rib fixation in non-ventilator dependent chest wall injuries: A prospective randomized trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Jan 25. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000003549. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35081599.

Vien BS, Chiu WK, Russ M, Fitzgerald M. Modal Frequencies Associations with Musculoskeletal Components of Human Legs for Extracorporeal Bone Healing Assessment Based on a Vibration Analysis Approach. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Jan 16;22(2):670. doi: 10.3390/s22020670. PMID: 35062630; PMCID: PMC8779651.

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