18 Mar 2022

Participants sought: SINFONIA: Are there benefits of SingINg For breathing in COPD aNd ILD pAtients (SINFONIA)?

Can singing help your COPD or ILD? Image: Solace Hospice
3 May update: We're happy to announce that the SINFONIA trial is now live with its first session being held Thursday 5 May. Anyone interested please contact Amy Pascoe, see detail below. 

Participants are sought for a clinical trial examining the benefits of SingINg For breathing in COPD aNd ILD pAtient (SINFONIA). It is a 12-week trial of guided online group singing for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or interstitial lung disease (ILD) who experience breathlessness, and (optionally) their carers. 

The study aims to determine the effects of online group singing on well-being and symptom management.

Contact Dr Amy Pascoe:


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