6 Apr 2022

What we know about the brain and how it changes with dementia

MRI scan image showing change in volume over 12 months.
Image: Dr Lucy Vivash, CCS

With dementia being one of the leading causes of death and a significant cause of disability in Australia, particularly in older populations, most of us will—at some stage, and in some way—be touched by the disease. 

The Consumer and Researcher Engagement (CARE) Committee in the Central Clinical School is offering a webinar on Wednesday 18 May at 5.30-7.00 pm which will cover a range of relevant topics and perspectives relating to dementia, from the perspectives of those affected by the disease, clinicians, and researchers. Register here

Short presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with all the speakers, as well as a representative from a community-based dementia resource organisation, in which attendees can ask questions.

This webinar has been developed by members of the Consumer and Researcher Engagement (CaRE) Committee. It is part of their program framework to build effective partnerships between researchers, consumers and advocates affected by the conditions studied at Monash University’s Central Clinical School (Alfred Hospital), and to work together for the continued improvement of health outcomes. 

Webinar details:





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