11 Apr 2022

MRFF Clinician-Researcher grant successes for CCS researchers

L-R: Prof Anne Holland, Prof Natasha Lannin &
Adj A/Prof Charles Pilgrim

Congratulations to Professors Anne Holland and Natasha Lannin, and to Adjunct Associate Professor Charles Pilgrim on their successful applications for MRFF Clinician-Researcher funding. A/Prof Pilgrim was successful earlier this year for this project under the MRFF RCRDUN scheme.  

See the Monash story, "Monash awarded $5.9m for rehabilitation research projects" for detail of Professors Lannin's and Holland's projects, and summaries below.

CIA Professor Anne Holland, Department of Respiratory Research@Alfred. is being awarded  $2,930,647 for her project, "Intensive physiotherapy to lower hospital length of stay after hip fracture".

Project description: This clinical trial will test whether intensive physiotherapy delivered early following hip fracture can accelerate physical recovery and reduce hospital days. We will recruit 620 participants from 8 acute hospitals across 5 Australian states. Intervention participants receive intensive physiotherapy 3 times/day for 7 days during their acute hospital stay. The primary outcome is length of stay, with secondary outcomes of physical mobility, health-related quality of life and falls. Longer-term impact and health care costs will be quantified with 12-month follow up. We will embed implementation science methods to enhance translation of findings into routine care, and will build clinical research capacity in health services across Australia.  

CIA Professor Natasha Lannin, Department of Neuroscience, is being awarded $2,996,464 for her project "PROMOTE: a cluster-randomised implementation trial to promote evidence use".

Project description: The PROMOTE randomised controlled trial will test the clinical benefit and cost effectiveness of an implementation package to increase clinician use of arm and stroke rehabilitation evidence in practice. We will recruit 14 hospitals across 3 Australian states to deliver arm rehabilitation to 238 patients after stroke. The primary outcome is clinician adherence to guidelines, with secondary outcomes of patient arm and hand movement, health-related quality of life and cost. In partnership with the Stroke Foundation, we will embed consumer involvement and employ implementation science methods to conduct a process evaluation alongside the trial. Together these will allow rapid translation of findings into routine stroke care.

CIA Adjunct Associate Professor Charles Pilgrim, Department of Surgery was awarded $2,931,686 for his project, "SCANPatient: Synoptic reporting of CT scan Assessing caNcer of the Pancreas". 

Project description: Classification of resectability in pancreas cancer is not standardised.  This novel project will validate and implement a world-first innovation in the management of patients with pancreatic cancer (PC). We will test a new, locally developed synoptic, radiological template in the routine reporting of CT scans based on an international consensus to accurately define the surgical resectability of nonmetastatic PC.  Properly assigning patients as resectable, borderline or unresectable should improve outcomes for all patients with PC, ensuring optimal treatment is received.  Patients with unresectable cancers will not be subjected to futile surgery, whilst every opportunity to undergo complete resection is offered to those who may benefit.    

A/Prof Pilgrim said, "We cannot accept both so will be continuing with the RCRDUN grant and declining the clinician researchers grant." 

Professor Terry O'Brien, Head of School, said he was delighted with the outcomes of the funding round.

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