12 May 2022

Acknowledging, respecting and supporting the diversity and inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ at the Central Clinical School

CCS GEDI committee infographic
17 May is an important date for us all to recognise,  International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Since its establishment in 2004, commemorations have taken place in more than 132 countries globally.

It’s a day to go rainbow and show your pride and support for the LGBTQIA+ community, whether you’re a part of the community or an ally. Visit the Australian IDAHOBIT website to see how you can show your pride and contribute.

At Monash University, we honour IDAHOBIT within our Pride Week with many events across the various campuses including a Pride Flag raising at Clayton, LGBTQIA+ book club, pronoun training, film nights and much more. Please visit the Monash Diversity and Inclusion website to see what you can participate in.

At CCS, we highly value the diversity of our staff and students and we endeavour to promote inclusivity of all our staff. Please refer to our CCS GEDI committee infographic for “16 important terms you need to know” to help support inclusive language within your departments and across the School

For more LGBTQIA inclusive language please see the guide from the Victoria government:

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