24 Jun 2022

Congratulations to our recently completed graduate research students!

Congratulations to our recently completed graduate research students Mahima Kapoor, Michelle Wong, Jason Palazzolo, Katrina Woodford, Hayley Barnes and Elliot Anderson - Well done! See below for detail of thesis topics, departments and supervisors.

Dr Mahima Kapoor
completed her PhD on 12 May, "Clinical Challenges in management of Inflammatory Neuropathies". She was supervised by Dr Elspeth Hutton (Department of Neuroscience) and Prof Mary Reilly.

Dr Michelle Wong completed her PhD on 30 May, "Targeting the macrophage reservoir to achieve HIV cure". She was supervised by Dr Anna Hearps in the Department of Infectious Diseases, A/Prof Anthony Jaworowski, A/Prof Gilda Tachedjian and Prof Sharon Lewin.

Jason Palazzolo completed his PhD on 8 June, "Novel Therapeutic Avenues for the Treatment of Thrombosis and Ischaemic Stroke". He was supervised by Prof Christoph Hagemeyer and Dr Be'Eri Niego in the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

Katrina Woodford completed her PhD "Feasibility of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for locally-advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma" on 8 June. She was supervised by A/Prof Sasha Senthi (Department of Surgery) and A/Prof John Reynolds.

Hayley Barnes completed her PhD, "Improving the Diagnostic Confidence of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis", on 8 June. She was supervised by A/Prof Ian Glaspole (Respiratory Research@Alfred), Dr Glen Westall and Prof Hal Collard.

Elliot Anderson completed his Master of Surgery, "Evaluation of focal low dose rate brachytherapy in men with low-intermediate risk prostate cancer" on 8 June. He was supervised by A/Prof Jeremy  Grummet (Department of Surgery) and Dr Andrew See.

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