16 Jun 2022

Invitation to join new Allied Health Translational Research Advisory Committee network

The Central Clinical School's (CCS) newly formed Allied Health Translational Research Advisory Committee (AHTRAC) invites allied health researchers from across our sites to join our network.  Sign up to receive updates.

The AHTRAC will advise leadership on ways to strengthen allied health translational research opportunities within and beyond our School, advise on pathways for allied health clinicians to undertake research and research higher degrees at CCS, and provide allied health researchers with opportunities to expand their networks, share knowledge and access support.   


To build strong scientific infrastructures that engage a broad coalition of stakeholders involved in clinical trials and translational research processes for allied health

Who is an allied health researcher?

At CCS our allied health researchers include all researchers (casuals, fixed term and permanent staff) and HDR students with a background allied to medicine, including allied health professionals and nurses.

Why join the AHTRAC network?

We provide allied health across CCS with the opportunity to connect with one another across lab-groups. Our collaborative network will offer graduate and early career support, as well as opportunities for all researchers to extend their skills and knowledge, development in how to manage their own effectiveness as researchers, and importantly, opportunities to engage and have impact.

How to get involved?

To join our network and receive updates as well as hear about opportunities, please complete the online form at: https://forms.gle/Y9rLz7XWTA2uMhdX7

You may opt out of the email list at any time.
Looking forward to meeting all the allied health researchers at our inaugural event in July (date to be decided - watch this space).

Professor Natasha A. Lannin (AHTRAC Chair)

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