22 Jul 2022

GIN Hub Seminar 28 July on Crohn's disease; the drivers of gut homeostasis

L-R Dr Emma Halmos, Dr Aidil Zaini and Ryan Wang
will give separate presentations in the GIN Hub seminar on 28 July 2022
There will be two presentations in the GIN (Gastroenterology, Immunology and Neuroscience) Hub Seminar coming up next Thursday 28 July at 12:30pm.

Dr Emma Halmos from the Department of Gastroenterology will be presenting on 'Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN): Dietary treatment for Crohn's disease'; and Dr Aidil Zaini and Ryan Wang from the Marsland and Harris lab groups in the Department of Immunology and Pathology will present 'Enteric neuro-immune axis & diet: the key players of gut homeostasis'. 

Please join us in the Alfred Centre Lecture Theatre, Level 5 or via Zoom (meeting: 867 9521 8080 passcode: 379432; link monash.zoom.us/j/86795218080?pwd=TnVPc2ZsSWRRc2JOUEFRYXBlUEVKQT09). A light lunch will be provided in the foyer after the talks. 

Contact CCS-GINHub@monash.edu for further information. Follow us on Twitter for updates.

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