14 Jul 2022

Participants sought: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Migraine in Multiple Sclerosis

See flier for this study on CBT for migraine in MS

Participants are sought for a research study investigating the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for migraine in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). EOI form link, and see more detail below.

We believe it is important to develop a therapy that is tailored to people with both migraine and MS. Our aim is to learn whether CBT is accepted by patients, and whether it has the potential to improve migraines, and in turn benefit quality of life, fatigue, sleep, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, which can occur more frequently for people with migraine and MS.

Therapy will be provided free-of-charge. All sessions will be via telehealth.

The study includes 5 individual one-hour CBT sessions with a neuropsychology registrar, a follow-up phone call, and three sets of surveys and thinking-skills tests.

The CBT program includes modules on:
(1) Strategies to manage your cognitive difficulties (e.g., concentration or memory)
(2) Ways to deal with negative thoughts and emotions
(3) Relaxation techniques
(4) Education about migraine

Participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. If you're interested in participating, please contact us on the details below, see the study flier, or scan the QR code:

 This study (project number 44/22) has been approved by Alfred Health Ethics Committee.

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