9 Aug 2022

Monash CCS inaugural Student Careers Expo

The CCS careers expo was well attended and students were very
positive about the experience.

by Jurie Tashkandi, PhD student, ACBD

The CCS Graduate Research Student Committee (CGRSC), in collaboration with the Monash Graduate Association (MGA), hosted the Monash CCS inaugural Careers Expo in the Alfred Innovation & Education Hub last Thursday, 4 August 2022. Over 30 exhibitors from 20 unique departments and organisations were in attendance. This included representatives from Pearson Clinical Assessment, CSIRO, CSL, Cell Therapies, E&Y and Deloitte, just to name a few.

Students were thrilled to be able to network and socialise with professionals - an experience graduate research students haven't been able to participate in due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Students said that they enjoyed “learning about careers they hadn’t thought of before,” and appreciated how “easy and accessible the exhibitors were with sharing their knowledge.”

The event began with an opening address and Q&A with Professor Stephen Jane, Dean of the Sub Faculty of Translational Medicine and Public Health who offered some career advice as well as sharing some personal anecdotes. Following this, three different workshops covering a range of interests took place in the lecture theatre, whilst the career expo bustled in the foyer and terraces.

The first was an informative session by Monash Career Connect on designing the 'elevator pitch'. This was followed by Speed Networking with lab heads and Heads of Departments, where students had three minutes to chat with an academic before interviewing another. Finally, the afternoon concluded with a Fireside Chat hosted by Dr Andrew Bray, and a panel discussion consisting of Associate Professor Eugene Maraskovsky, Dr Sarah Jones, and Professor Merlin Thomas. By a simulated fireside, they each shared their perspective on their journeys through academia and into commercialisation. The conversation was fruitful and provided valuable insight to the students.

The organisers would like to thank the volunteers, the school's support, and the attendance of both exhibitors and students on the day.

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