12 Oct 2022

Mental Health Awareness Month Week 3

Week 3 of National Mental Health Awareness Month (October) starts on 16 Oct 2022 with the walk “towards the road of resilience and wellbeing” around Albert Park lake (sign up here)! This initiative should be fun for the whole family, group of friends or on your own (a great chance to meet new people!) and is a good opportunity to get outside and exercise.

Online events of interest this week include (see detail below):

Men’s Mental Health Symposium 

According to the last census, “45% of Australians aged 16-85 years have at some point in life experienced a mental illness. Yet 65% percent of people who are struggling mentally don’t take serious steps, especially men.” Everyone’s mental health varies during their life and can move back and forth along their own personal range between positive and healthy at one end through to severe symptoms or conditions that impact on everyday life at the other. Therefore, it is important for men to take care of their mental well- being. 

This event is free to attend, is online (as well as in-person in Adelaide, SA), and is hosted by South Australia. Register here for the National Symposium on Men and Mental Health being help on 18 Oct 2022 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm ACDT

LGBTIQA+ Mental Health Forum  

The mental health of the LGBTIQA+ community is of vital importance. This event seeks further discussion on how to better support individuals within the LGBTIQA+ community and how the community as a whole can do better. To explore this important topic, join this free online session on Thursday, 20 Oct 2022 from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm AEDT by registering here.
Sleep and Mental Health Symposium  

Join this free livestream event from anywhere, as a range of experienced speakers and panellists come together in a studio setting. The focus of this symposium will be on creating awareness and educating people on the mental health issues relating to sleep. Through evidence-based frameworks and research, along with courageous individual stories of lived experience, this symposium will explore ways to better understand and assist with sleep related mental health issues. To watch this symposium on Fri 21 Oct 2022, from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm AEDT, register here.

The CCS GEDI committee can be approached or emailed (ccs.gedi@monash.edu) with any suggestions for how the school can continue to support the mental health of staff and students and the broader community.

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