6 Oct 2022

Reducing the high rate of chronic kidney disease in First Nations communities

Why are First Nations people more vulnerable to developing CKD?
An MRFF funded study is finding out. Image: Shutterstock

Indigenous-led research is using advanced multi-omics technology to reduce the high rate of chronic kidney disease in First Nations communities.

In 2020 a team of Monash, Baker and SAHMRI researchers received MRFF funding of $2M to investigate chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Indigenous populations for their project entitled "Reducing the burden of chronic kidney disease in the Indigenous population - the PROPHECY CKD study" to investigate why First Nations Peoples have one of the highest rates of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the world. 

Two years on, they know more as they follow up on close to 1500 First Nations donors of blood samples.

See faculty story.

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