2 Dec 2022

2022 Alfred Health Recognising Excellence Team Award for Melbourne Sexual Health Centre group

Prof Andrew Way AM (Alfred CEO), A/Prof Eric Chow and
Ms Venus Sopikiotis (Maxxia Group Executive Client Strategy and
Engagement) - Eric accepted the award on behalf of the whole team.
Congratulations to the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre team "Innovation in STI Consortium" which has won the 2022 Alfred Health Recognising Excellence Team Award - Improvement, Innovation and Research Category. 

The team members are Professor Kit Fairley, Professor Catriona Bradshaw, Associate Professor Eric Chow, Professor Marcus Chen and Associate Professor Jason Ong). The award ceremony was held at the Victorian Pride Centre on 1 December 2022. 

The Award committee said, "This is a highly productive team of researchers who are very focused on translational research to improve outcomes for Alfred Health patients. 

"They have consistently demonstrated an ability to rapidly initiate and conduct influential studies and are poised to continue to make important contributions to the prevention and control of STIs and to reducing the spread of antimicrobial resistance. This team have produced high quality and novel research findings that have translated into improvements in sexual health and wellbeing throughout Victoria, nationally and internationally which has changed practice and policy at all of these levels."

Professor Fairley said, "It has been one of the greatest privileges of my working life to work with such an energetic and innovative team of individuals.

"We are unbelievably fortunate to have some of the greatest minds in STI research at Alfred Health's Melbuorne Sexual Health Centre."

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