27 Jul 2016

Congratulations to Dr Astrid Voskamp on the completion of her PhD!

L to R: Promoter: Professor Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Leiden University
Co-promoter: Dr Sara Prickett, Monash University
Candidate: Dr Astrid Voskamp
Promoter: Professor Robyn O'Hehir, Alfred Health/Monash University
Examiner: Professor Christian Taube, Leiden University
Congratulations to Dr Astrid Voskamp, past member of Prof Robyn O'Hehir's & Prof Jenny Rolland's Allergy lab, who has recently successfully completed her PhD in the Netherlands. She did all of her lab work in the Allergy lab. Astrid achieved 12 publications in her seven years with the Allergy group.

Astrid was awarded her PhD through Leiden University, The Netherlands, June 2016 (Defense date: 16th June), for her thesis, titled "Clinical Allergy: Basophils, T cells and Therapeutic Design". The research was conducted at Monash University (Department of Immunology & Pathology; Allergy lab) and Alfred Health (Department of AIRMed).

Astrid's main supervisors were Professor Robyn O'Hehir, Head of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Monash University and co-head of Allergy Research Group, Department of Immunology, Monash University and Professor Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Head Department of Parasitology and Leiden Parasite Immunology Group, Leiden University. Astrid was co-supervised by Dr Sara Prickett,  Allergy Research Group, Department of Immunology and Pathology, Monash University.

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