6 Mar 2014

A Nobel opportunity for early career researchers

Dr Rebecca Segrave
Two Monash early career researchers have scored coveted invitations to attend the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physiology or Medicine, in Germany to share knowledge, network and learn from 37 Nobel Laureates, who will present lectures, master classes and panel discussions. Dr Rebecca Segrave, from the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, is one of two Monash researchers to be invited. Rebecca uses brain stimulation, neuroimaging and neuropsychological methods to better understand the causes of depression and develop new antidepressant treatments.
“We are reminded regularly of the challenges faced by early career researchers individually, and those faced by medical science as a whole,” Dr Segrave said. "The opportunity to meet with Nobel Laureates and learn directly how they overcame obstacles in their scientific endeavors will be uniquely inspirational.” The other researcher is Dr Sarah Lockie, an obesity researcher from the School of Biomedical Sciences. See full story at http://www.med.monash.edu.au/sobs/news/2014/nobel-opportunity.html. Follow Rebecca at on Twitter at https://twitter.com/brain_stim

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