7 Mar 2014

Professor Fabienne Mackay recognised by French government for exceptional contribution to education

Prof Fabienne Mackay receiving the
award. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Lemercier
Professor Fabienne Mackay, Head, Department of Immunology, has been recognised by the French government for her exceptional  contribution to education and research overseas. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts the award of an annual trophy to seven French expats selected, in 2014, out of 415 applicants worldwide. Professor Mackay received her trophy from CNED, the National Centre for Distance Education, on 6 March at a ceremony held at the Quai d' Orsay. The award was organised by le Petitjournal.com, supported by several organisations including CNED, which helped particularly for the award to Professor Mackay.
CNED is a French public institution under the oversight of the Department of Education dedicated to providing distance learning material. It was created in 1939 and provides on-line material since the mid-1990s. See more:

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