10 Mar 2014

Michael Cangkrama wins Young Scientist Skin Research Travel Fellowship

Michael Cangkrama receiving the
award from Birgit Lane, the Executive
Director of the Institute of Medical
Biology, A*Star (Singapore)
Michael Cangkrama, Department of Medicine PhD student, received a top award (Young Scientist Skin Research Travel Fellowships AUD $3500) from the Singapore International Conference on Skin Research 2014 (2-5 March) at which he made both oral and poster presentations. Approximately 300 people attended, and Michael was the only presenter from Monash University. His presentation was entitled, "Coordinate function of the Grainyhead-like transcription factors is critical for maintenance of skin barrier function post-natally". See conference link showing the programme and details of presentations: http://www.skinconferencesingapore.com/programme.html

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