10 Mar 2014

Traumatic Brain Injury researcher Sarah Hellewell going to Canada

Dr Sarah Hellewell
Dr Sarah Hellewell, a recent CCS PhD graduate, has been working as a Centre of Excellence in Traumatic Brain Injury Research (CETBIR) Fellow with NTRI since April last year.  Her fellowship finishes 28 March 2014, and she has secured a new position in Canada where she will be joining the lab of Dr Ibolja Cernak, who has recently relocated from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland to the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
This is a lab with both clinical and experimental research interests, with clinical research focusing on 'pre-emptive' rehabilitation of soldiers deployed in Afghanistan, and experimental research using a model of blast wave overpressure to mimic bomb blast exposure. Sarah will be jointly employed by the University of Alberta and the Canadian Military to research the effects of single and repetitive blast injuries on the long-term neuroinflammatory response and ongoing functional deficits. She will also be assisting with the development of a new international collaborative network involving labs from Canada, Israel and Sweden.

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