7 Jul 2014

2014 AMREP Early Career Researcher Conference

Calling all students, research assistants and an early career researchers based at CCS, SPHPM, Burnet, BakerIDI and elsewhere at AMREP. You are invited to register and present your research findings at the 2014 AMREP ECR CONFERENCE! RSVP or see details below. 
This is your opportunity to present your work, gain valuable experience, network with other researchers from AMREP and learn about their work, and most importantly - it looks great on your CV! There will also be lots of fantastic prizes for presentations, posters, and even just for asking questions! There will be giveaways, trade shows, lunch, and drinks!
  • Date: Wednesday 17 September 2014
  • Venue: AMREP Lecture Theatre & Seminar rooms
  • Abstract submissions close 1 August 2014.
Keynote address: Lindy Burns, senior ABC radio presenter with 774’s Evenings program.
  • Present To Persons of Influence
Communicate your research to politicians, the media, and other influential lay-people
  • Free Presentations
POSTER and ORAL formats, full length or blitz, with a focus on presentations that are accessible and of interest to a broad audience.
  • Laboratory X-(pro)Files
Group presentations showcasing your research group.

Please see attachment for more information on the types of presentations you can choose to submit to.
How to REGISTER and SUBMIT an Abstract: All attendees (whether presenting or non-presenting) can register for the symposium through this link http://survey.burnet.edu.au/index.php?sid=79333&lang=en
The aim of this conference to provide a friendly forum for ECRs to present their work and to foster collaborations; to bring together researchers located all throughout AMREP. We look forward to seeing you.
Everyone is welcome!!

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