28 Aug 2014

Damien Easton awarded MCCC travel grant

Congratulations to Damien Easton on receiving the Monash Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MCCC) travel grant. 

The travel grant is awarded by the Monash Comprehensive Cancer Consortium (MCCC) to fund attendance at the International Keystone Symposium on Tumor Immunology, in Canada in 2015. Damien will be presenting his work on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) which is the most common leukemia in adults and is currently not curable.

Damien's work has uncovered two unprecedented mechanisms used by tumour cells to actively suppress the immune systems of CLL patients and also identified strategies to restore a key cell type important for detecting and destroying tumour cells early in disease. It is hoped that these discoveries will be an important turning point for the improvement of current therapies and development of novel targeted therapies in the future, with the promise of improving the long-term survival of vulnerable CLL patients.

Well done Damien! 

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