26 Aug 2014

Lewin Lab Farewell

Prof Lewin and team
Prof Lewin and A/Prof Cameron
Prof Sharon Lewin, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases has taken on the role of Director at the new Peter Doherty Institute, University of Melbourne. Sharon and co-head A/Prof Paul Cameron will be moving with their  research group to the Institute at the end of this month, including Dr Vanessa Evans,
Dr Jenny Anderson, Dr Suha Saleh, Dr Renee van der Sluis, Dr Hao Lu, Dr Jennifer Audsley, Dr Christina Chang, Dr Megan Crane, Dr Michael Roche, Dr Miranda Smith, Ajantha Solomon, Karey Cheong, Surekha Tanakoon, Ashanti Dantanarayana, PhD students Fiona Wightman, Nitasha Kumar, Simin Rezaei, Dr Kasha Singh, Dr Michelle Yong, and honours students Youry Kim and Michael Moso will be moving to the new institute. Support staff Sandra West (PA), and Dr Jasminka Sterjovski (Research Manager) will also be moving over.

It is a big move in more ways than one as Sharon has been with Monash/Alfred & Burnet for over 10 years.  Sharon, Paul and the lab  will all missed very much, however  we can look forward to continued close collaboration with Sharon and the group and staying in touch. Sharon and Paul will continue as visiting medical officers at the Alfred Hospital and with adjunct appointments in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Monash University.

Sharon said, "I am very sad to be leaving the wonderful environment of AMREP which continues to so successfully support and nurture translational research. I am looking forward to the challenge of heading a new institute but also hope many of the great friendships and collaborations I have across the AMREP campus will strengthen and continue in coming years."

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