24 Apr 2015

2015 Day of Immunology events

To celebrate World Day of Immunology on 29 April 2015, a number of informative and enjoyable events are being held in Melbourne, to which all are welcome, including a free public lecture, free Discovery tours and a Vaccination cafe. Registration link.

Free Public Lecture

Immunology Myth Busters! Listen to three of Melbourne’s top scientists talk about myths and realities surrounding cancer, allergies and bacteria and how research in immunology helps correct common health misconceptions.
6:00-8:30pm at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne. FULLY BOOKED.

Free Discovery Tours

Visit two of Melbourne’s finest research laboratories, meet scientists and learn about research discoveries.
* Burnet Institute, Prahran from 12:00-2:00pm
* Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne from 4:00-5:30pm

Vaccination Café

On ABC television on Monday 13 April, the Chairman of the Influenza Specialist Group, Dr Alan Hampson, urged people to get their flu jab saying that "many people underestimate the threat of influenza" Link).  Come along to the Vaccination Café from 11:00am-2:30pm in Melbourne's City Square to get your 2015 influenza vaccination for $12 and chat with research scientists about the science of vaccination and how the body fights disease.  All vaccination recipients will get a complimentary Brunetti's coffee and biscuit!

To register, and for more information on all these events, go to http://www.dayofimmunology.org.au

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