24 Apr 2015

2015 Day of Immunology Monash involvement

2014 Monash volunteer demonstrators at the Day of Immunology
L-R: Maria Demaria, Erika Duan, Jodie Abramovitch, Tim
Gottschalk. They liked it so much they're back there this year!
Many thanks to our volunteers for the Day of Immunology expo held annually at the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) at Parkville this coming Wednesday, 29 April. The event is very popular with more schools wanting to participate than can be accommodated. This year, the following people are helping out from the Monash Department of Immunology:
  • Dr Rose Ffrench (Careers Speaker)
  • Ms Maria Demaria (Demonstrator)
  • Ms Louisa Yeung (Demonstrator)
  • Mr Tim Gottschalk (Demonstrator)
  • Ms Jodie Abramovitch (Demonstrator) 
See more about the 2015 Day of Immunology.

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