17 Jun 2015

30 Sep: Translational Research symposium and Dept Medicine 50th anniversary

L-R: James Rankin and Barry Firkin, USyd MBBS
graduates, who both went on to become leaders in
their chosen medical fields. Barry was the inaugural
head of the Monash Dept of Medicine at the Alfred.

Translational Research Symposium and Department of Medicine 50th anniversary

"Translational Research" - what does it mean? The short answer is a speeding up of basic findings in medical research into clinical practice, without any compromise of research quality. You are invited to attend this day's program, which features speakers from across the continuum, giving case studies on what has worked best to expedite discovery to application.

About the Department

The Monash Department of Medicine was established in 1965, with Professor Bryan Hudson as Foundation chair. The Department at the Alfred started in 1968 under the leadership of Professor Barry Firkin, who was succeeded in 1992 by Professor Nip Thomson AM. Professor Stephen Jane became Head of the Department of Medicine and Head of Central Clinical School in 2011.


  • Date: Wednesday, 30 September 2015
  • Time: 8.00 am registration for 9.00 am start. See program below for detail of the day's timetable
  • Venue: AMREP Lecture Theatre, adjacent to the BakerIDI Institute at 85 Commercial Road, Melbourne 3004, 200 metres east of the main Alfred Hospital entrance. See map.
  • Cost: Free
  • RSVP by Friday 25 September for catering purposes
  • Enquiries: Catherine.Wong@monash.edu ph +61 3 9903 0640

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