17 Jun 2015

Proposed improvement for Advanced Trauma Life Support care

Dr Mark Fitzgerald, one of the study authors, is a trauma surgeon
at the Alfred and Acting Director of the National Trauma Research
This article proposes a counter-argument to standard Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) training - which advocates bladder catheterisation to be performed as an adjunct to the primary survey and resuscitation for early decompression of the bladder and urine output monitoring. We argue the case for delaying bladder catheterisation until after definitive truncal Computed Tomography (CT) imaging.
Reference: Huang, S., Vohora, A., Russ, M.K., Mathew, J.K., Johnny, C.S., Stevens, J., Fitzgerald, M.C. Delaying urinary catheter insertion in the reception and resuscitation of blunt multitrauma and using a full bladder to tamponade pelvic bleeding. Injury (2015) 46 (6) pp.1081 - 1083

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