10 Jun 2015

AMREP EMCR Mentoring Program is back!

At the 2014 AMREP EMCR conference poster session
The AMREP EMCR Mentoring Program began in 2010 as an initiative developed by the Monash Central Clinical School. Since that time the program has run annually and has progressively expanded in size. The program now involves mentee and mentor participants from across AMREP, encompassing Monash, Burnet, BakerIDI and the Alfred. In 2014-2015 we have 17 current mentee-mentor pairings which are expected to formally conclude in October this year.

In 2015, we will be calling for new mentees to get involved in this exciting and rewarding program. We are planning an introductory seminar later in the year to provide some insights and hear about participant’s experiences to advertise and promote the program. The objective of the mentoring program is to give EMCRs the opportunity of interacting with a senior person outside their immediate area of work who, through many years of experience, can provide them with guidance in important aspects of research career development. These may include applying for fellowships and grants, writing manuscripts, applying for promotions etc. However, the mentee may also seek the mentor’s guidance on other specific aspects of their career that need further development.

See more: http://med.monash.edu.au/cecs/ecr/mentoring.html

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