10 Jun 2015

$500K MIME seed funding and MIME PhD scholarships now available - 18, 23 June info sessions

The Monash Institute of Medical Engineering (MIME) was established to foster stronger collaborations between clinical researchers in Monash partner hospitals and engineering and IT researchers. The aim is to develop new medical technologies that address significant unmet clinical needs.

Two funding sources are now available from MIME to support collaborative research projects involving a clinician researcher from MNHS and a researcher from Faculty of Engineering or IT:

(i) MIME seed fund - 10-50K for collaborative projects delivering an outcome in 12-18 months
(ii) MIME PhD scholarships - for jointly supervised projects

Phase I is now open - the call to clinicians to nominate areas of significant unmet clinical need / opportunity. Obtain an application form from Susan.Newland@monash.edu. It must be returned by 29 June. If you don't want to apply but are interested to attend, RSVP online.

Selected clinical areas will be advertised on the MIME website on Monday 6 July.

In phase 2, engineering, IT and other researchers will be invited to respond to these areas of clinical need with a proposed technical solution. Closes 31 July. In Phase 3, MIME will assist with the optimisation of final joint proposals. Announcement of successful applicants on 28 August.

We would greatly appreciate your input in shaping the direction of MIME's future research activities. The next MIME Affinity meeting at AMREP will be held 23 June, 10-12 am Seminar Room 1, Level 5, Alfred Centre. This will serve as a forum for CCS clinical researchers interested in securing MIME funding, to present their ideas on unmet clinical needs to an audience of Engineering and IT researchers keen to engage on collaborative projects

More information on the MIME seed funding is available at

Meeting detail:

MIME-MHTP Affinity meeting: Thursday 18 June, 9.00am - 11.00am
Monash Health Translation Precinct - Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia
Block E, Level 5, Surgery Seminar Room.

MIME-AMREP Affinity meeting: Tuesday 23 June 10.00am - 12.00pm
Alfred Centre 
99 Commercial Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004, Australia (Corner of Punt Road and Commercial Road enter via Lobby B) 
Level 5, Seminar Room 1.

Clinician researchers are invited to give a 5 minute presentation outlining a clinical need or opportunity they are willing to champion. Please advise susan.newland@monash.edu if you wish to present.

Engineering, IT and other MIME researchers are strongly encouraged to attend these events, to identify new opportunities to apply your expertise, and meet potential clinical collaborators. Networking time will be available. Researchers attending these events should then be well positioned to respond to Phase 2 of the MIME seed fund process - the call for Engineering or IT-enabled R&D programs addressing unmet clinical needs.

Complete the online RSVP form.

Researchers from MIME partner organisations i.e. CSIRO, Hudson Institute, Burnet and BakerIDI are also welcome to attend the MIME Affinity meetings.

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