1 Jun 2015

Odd spot: Ten Simple Rules to Win a Nobel Prize

Richard J. Roberts, winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,  writes, "It is remarkable how many students, young faculty, and even senior faculty hanker after a Nobel Prize. Somehow, they think that it is possible to structure their scientific careers so that the culmination will bring this much sought-after honor. Some even think that as a Nobel laureate myself, I may have the key to success—some secrets that I can share and so greatly improve their odds of success. Unfortunately, I must begin by disappointing everyone. There is only one path that should be followed. It is summed up in Rule 1, but some of the other Rules may prove helpful—or if not helpful, then at least amusing."

Reference: journals.plos.org/ploscollections/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004084

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