1 Jun 2015

Participants sought: Can transcranial direct current stimulation enhance second language learning?

See more about the study: ccs-clin-trials.med.monash.edu.au/trials/can-transcranial-direct-current-stimulation-enhance-second-language-learning
Healthy adults are sought between the ages of 18 and 45 to help investigate the influence of gentle brain stimulation on learning. MAPrc researchers are investigating whether gentle electrical stimulation can improve people's ability to learn a second language.
Together we will complete an interview, do some computerised activities, take a recording of your brain waves and give you a short session of gentle non-invasive brain stimulation while you undertake a Spanish language learning program. Stimulation is safe and not painful. It is given while you are awake and alert and activates only a small area of cells on the surface of your brain. It will not have any lasting impact on your brain activity.
Contact details:
Mr Nik Kozlov, email nkoz3@student.monash.edu, phone (03) 9076 6564
Study link:  ccs-clin-trials.med.monash.edu.au/trials/can-transcranial-direct-current-stimulation-enhance-second-language-learning

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