14 Aug 2015

Professor Ian Davis: Cancer: I used to understand it. Find out more on 30 Sep 2015

Professor Ian Davis is a medical oncologist and is Professor of Medicine and Head of the Eastern Health Clinical School, Monash University and Eastern Health, in Melbourne, Australia. He will be speaking at the forthcoming 30 Sept Translational Research symposium hosted by Central Clinical School. See detail below.

Prof Davis's primary clinical interests are in urologic cancer and melanoma. His primary research interests are in cancer immunology and the biology of urologic cancers. 

Prof Davis is a member of the Cancer Council Victoria Urology and Skin Committees and the Standing Subcommittee on Research. He established and chairs the COSA Urologic Oncology Group and the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group Ltd (ANZUP).

Professor Ian Davis will be speaking at the Central Clinical School's Translational Research Symposium Wednesday, 30 September 2015, on the topic of "Cancer: I used to understand it".

All welcome, see details:

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