5 Feb 2016

Applications Open: Graduate Certificate in Translational Research

Translational research short course group
Monash is inviting applications for Graduate Certificate in Translational Research. This is a 24 credit point course which can be completed within 0.5 year FT or 1 year PT. 

There are four units - Bioethics Theory and Practice, Introductory Biostatistics, Introduction to Clinical Trials and Translational Research.

The major aims of the course are to:

  • Define general ethical frameworks, along with specific ethical principles underpinned by those frameworks, in the context of current developments in biotechnology, clinical practice, and the ethical oversight of research on humans
  • Apply basic working principles of biostatistical methods in health and medical research
  • Outline the principles of good clinical practice (GCP), how to conduct a clinical trial, how drugs are developed and how to manage regulatory documents
  • Outline the processes involved in developing a basic science finding through to clinical studies
Core learning outcomes are through understanding how scientific concepts can be marketed and communicated effectively through research pipeline procedures.

he course is suited to graduates of Medicine, Biomedical Science, Nursing and allied health. The career path for the graduates are:

  • Academia (university or college)
  • Researcher at a university, health or medical organisation
  • Researcher in government, industrial laboratory or industry organisation
  • Independent research as a consultant
  • Biotech/Pharma
  • Industry
  • Sales and marketing
  • Human resources
  • Patent law
  • Science policy advisor
  • Advisor to government and regulatory bodies
  • Management consultant
  • Defence force
For more information, http://www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/education/translational/ or contact the Program Coordinator Dr Steven Petratos 99020191 (steven.petratos@monash.edu).

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