5 Feb 2016

Participants sought: A2 milk, IBS and constipation

Participants are sought for a study investigating whether A2 milk influences constipation in IBS sufferers. The study aims to determine whether A2 Milk improves symptoms of constipation in people with non-diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The research involves working with both healthy people and those with non-diarrhoea predominant IBS.

You may be eligible to participate if:
  • you are healthy with no GI complaints OR
  • you have non-diarrhoea predominant IBS
Involvement in the study will require you to:
  • participate for 14 weeks in total
  • consume 750ml milk daily for 2 x 4 week periods
  • remain on a dairy free diet for the entire study period
  • maintain a food and symptom diary and complete questionnaires
  • have blood, breath, urine and faecal samples taken
  • swallow a SmartPill device that collects information about gut transit time on 2 occasions
  • wear a device that measures your activity for 2 x 7 day periods
  • visit the hospital for 7 study visits (over 14 weeks)
Enquiries to: Miss Shirley Webber on ph (03) 9905 8098 or email shirley.webber@monash.edu.
See more about the trial at:

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