8 Mar 2016

Participants sought: Investigating the link between mental illness and endocrine function

Females aged 18-65 years with no diagnosis of mental illness are invited to participate as a healthy control group for our study investigating the link between mental illness and endocrine function. Identifying and understanding why different medical disorders co-occur provides important opportunities for prevention and potential treatment in the future. Participating in this study enables you to contribute to research aimed at improving treatment options for people with mental illness, which will translate directly to everyday benefits for these individuals. This will be a once-off, 2-hour visit. You will complete questionnaires and undergo a simple, standard physical examination and blood test. Participation will occur at the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road).


Miss Raelene Tan
Email: raelene.tan@monash.edu
Contact phone number: (03) 9076 5031
Ethics Committee Project Number: 204/14

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