8 Mar 2016

Participants sought: A novel drug for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Women and men who are 18-65 years old, have been diagnosed with BPD, and are stabilised on current therapy (if on any) for at least 3 weeks, are invited to take part in an 8-week study that is underway in Melbourne. BPD is a prevalent and complex mental illness. Medications currently used for BPD have only modest and inconsistent effects. We are testing a novel medication, which we know from previous research to be safe and well-tolerated, for its efficacy in improving BPD symptoms.

Participants will be randomly selected to receive daily either 1) 20mg of study medication, or 2) inactive placebo. Participants will meet with the research team every 2 weeks (or via telephone call) and will complete questionnaires and computerised tasks to assess symptoms, attention, and thinking skills. Following completion of the trial, participants will meet with the Chief Investigator, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, to discuss their results and any further treatment recommendation.


Miss Raelene Tan
Email: raelene.tan@monash.edu
Contact phone number: (03) 9076 5031
Ethics Committee Project Number: 204/14

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