9 Dec 2016

Congratulations to A/Prof Robyn Slattery on two teaching awards!

Associate Professor Robyn Slattery
Congratulations to Associate Professor Robyn Slattery in the Department of Immunology and Pathology, who has won two separate awards for teaching excellence! Robyn won the
inaugural Monash University Office of Learning and Teaching Teacher Innovation and Impact Award, in particular for her innovation of Duet lectures.

Robyn’s teaching and learning innovation has been judged as outstanding by the selection committee.

Robyn also won the 2016 Monash Student Association (MSA) Teaching Award for the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences.

The MSA Teaching Awards have been awarded annually since 2014 to outstanding teaching staff at Monash University, as chosen by students. This year the MSA received hundreds of nominations for lecturers and tutors whom students believe created the best learning environments, and provided the most outstanding teaching. Robyn was nominated by many students for her commitment to her students and for being an 'approachable and warm' lecturer who made students feel welcome.

Robyn said, "I was very surprised, and most honoured, to receive each of these.  Especially the Faculty prize for outstanding teaching from the students, which I didn't know existed.  It is nice to make a difference in the lives of young people."

Well done Robyn!

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