9 Dec 2016

Bethlehem grants for MS research and stroke outcomes

Steven (standing, right) with his group when
they were participating in "Red Lab Coat Day"
to raise awareness of MS research.
Congratulations to Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation grant recipients in Central Clinical School!

Dr Steven Petratos, Department of Medicine, has been awarded a grant for his research proposal, "A novel approach to reduce the impact of progressive multiple sclerosis". The grant was considered outstanding. See more about Steven's research at his lab page.

Professor Harshal Nandurkar & Dr Maithili Sashindranath (Australian Centre for Blood Diseases), have been awarded a grant for their research proposal, "Delivering CD39 to the injured brain as a novel way to improve outcome after ischemic stroke". See more about their research at the lab page.

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