25 Oct 2017

Congratulations to A/Prof Christoph Hagemeyer & Prof Paul Myles for AMREP Research Prize!

Congratulations to A/Prof Christoph Hagemeyer & Prof Paul Myles for the award of the AMREP Research Prize! There are two categories, clinical and basic, and the prize is awarded annually for the best journal article describing original research.

Award is based on the following criteria:
  •     selection is based on the impact factor of the journal
  •     the award is to the first or senior author
  •     reviews, editorials and case reports are excluded
  •     the article must represent original work
  •     the work must have been carried out within AMREP
This year's winners were announced on Tuesday 24 October, and the prize presented by John Brumby AO, former Premier of Victoria.
A/Prof Christoph Hagemeyer

Associate Professor Christoph Hagemeyer, Nanobiotechnology lab group, Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University won the prize for basic research, for his publication:

Richardson JJ, Choy MY, Guo J, Liang K, Alt K, Ping Y, Cui J, Law LS, Hagemeyer CE, Caruso F. Polymer capsules for plaque-targeted in vivo delivery. Advanced Materials 2016 Sep;28(35):7703-7 [IF:18.960]

Professor Paul Myles
Professor Paul Myles, Department of Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine, The Alfred & Monash University won the clinical prize, which was accepted on his behalf by Dr David McIlroy.
Myles PS, Smith JA, Forbes A, Silbert B, Jayarajah M, Painter T, Cooper DJ, Marasco S, McNeil J, Bussières JS, Wallace S; ATACAS Investigators of the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network. Stopping vs. Continuing Aspirin before Coronary Artery Surgery. New England Journal of Medicine 2016;374(8):728-37 [IF:59.558]. See CCS blog story

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