24 Oct 2017

Image Analysis Workshops FIJI (ImageJ) starting 8 Nov

ImageJ screenshot. Source: Wikipedia
Do you want to learn to analyse and acquire data from your images?

ImageJ is a free, open source analysis program that contains many user-written plugins that make it possible to solve a wide range of image processing and analysis problems. It is recommended that all researchers have a basic understanding of the features of ImageJ.
Monash Micro Imaging (MMI) will be offering a free series of weekly 2-hour courses on the use of this software starting Wednesday 8 November 2017. See details below.

These courses will be run by Burnet/MMI microscopist Chad Johnson and will involve hands-on practical training sessions to introduce researchers to the functionality of the software.

The sessions are suitable for both first time and experianced users and will start with basic use, image analysis and visualisation of data with later sessions moving on to macro script writing to allow for automated analysis of large numbers of images. Users are also encouraged to enquire about specific applications for their research.

Each session will be run from 2-4PM. Researchers are encouraged to attend as many as they wish.
  • Session 1 - Wed, 8 November 2017 - Basic ImageJ Functions - Annotations, Merging and splitting channels, scale bars etc
  • Session 2 - Wed, 15 November 2017 - Basic Analysis I - Automatic cell/object counting, Time series analysis
  • Session 3 - Wed, 22 November 2017 - Basic Analysis II - Wound healing, image alignment/registration of image stacks.
  • Session 4 - Wed, 29 November 2017 - Macro Script Writing for Automation - Batch processing of large numbers of images.
  • Location: Level 7 Seminar Room 1, Alfred Centre
  • Bring: Laptop, Pen, Notebook, Questions
  • Cost: Free
  • Snacks: Yes
  • Places: Limited to 12 per session. Reply to chad.johnson@burnet.edu.au to secure your places for one or all of these workshops.
Chad Johnson
Optical Microscopist
Burnet Institute
(03) 85062447

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