24 Oct 2017

MMI Image of the Year Competition 2017 - closing date for entries 6 Nov

 Monash Micro Imaging (MMI) Image of the Year Competition 2017 seeking entries - closing date 6 November 2017. There are cash prizes for the best 3 entries. and the 13 selected best entries will be featured in the 2018 MMI calendar. 

Competition rules:
  • Images must have been taken on a MMI microscope
  • Image resolution should be as high as possible (>1MB or 1k x 1k in size)
  • Submit images in a uncompressed.tif/jpg/pngformat
  • Images will be judged on their aesthetic quality, not scientific content
  • Images need to be original work of the person entering the competition and should not contain any material that infringes anyone else’s copyright.
  • Applications give MMI (and Monash University) the right to reproduce, publish, transmit or otherwise communicate to the public their entry, in whole or in part, in or using any media for any purpose without further permission or payment.
  • An applicant may submit multiple entries, but prizes are limited to 1 per entrant
NOTE. Submitted images will be published on the MMI website, and used in posters or other University advertising material so we advise that you do not submit unpublished data. The image source will be acknowledged where possible for any images used in such material.

Tel: 99055612

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