27 Mar 2018

2018 MIME Seed Fund meeting invitation

Monash Institute of Medical Engineering (MIME) is preparing to launch its annual seed fund. The 2018 MIME Seed Fund will be launched through a series of affinity meetings with our partner hospitals. Researchers are strongly encouraged to attend these meetings if they are interested in collaborating with clinicians as part of the 2018 MIME Seed Fund.

Click on the links below to RSVP to attend the meetings and check details of location etc.
The 2018 round of the MIME Seed Fund is designed to build on the collaborative framework of MIME established in recent years. Applications may request up to $50,000 per project for medtech collaborative projects involving a MNHS clinician researcher and a Monash engineering or IT researcher. Cardiac themed proposals will be highly regarded and may attract a higher level of funding. Successful applicants of the 2016 MIME Seed Fund round are also invited to apply for top up funding as part of the 2018 round.

The funding will be directed to projects that can achieve a meaningful outcome within 12-18 months, e.g. proof-of-concept data or initial prototype. The seed funding is aimed at progressing a project to the point that the research team is well positioned to then secure external funding from industry or grants to progress the next phase of the R&D.

Like the previous rounds of the MIME Seed Fund, there will be two stages to the application process: an initial call to clinicians to define areas of unmet clinical need, followed by an invitation to all Monash staff to respond with proposed solutions. All Monash staff are eligible to participate in the multidisciplinary ‘solution' teams. Researchers from MIME partner institutions are also invited to participate as members of the collaborative teams.

Important Dates

Thursday, 31 May 2018: MIME Alfred Health Affinity Meeting
Tuesday, 5 June 2018: MIME Monash Health Affinity Meeting
Friday, 15 June 2018: Call to clinicians for unmet needs opens (Phase 1)
Wednesday, 4 July 2018: Call to clinicians for unmet needs closes (Phase 1)
Tuesday, 10 July 2018:  Phase 1 proposals meeting selection criteria announced on a secure page of the MIME website (must have Monash Authcate to access) ready for researchers to view to form solutions
Wednesday, 11 July 2018 : Call for solutions opens (Phase 2)
Friday, 27 July 2018: Call for solutions closes (Phase 2)
Week commencing Monday 20 August 2018: Panel interviews
Week commencing Monday 3 September 2018: Announcement of successful candidates

Susan Newland
Executive Officer, Monash Institute of Medical Engineering
T:  +61 3 9902 0357
E: susan.newland@monash.edu
W: www.monash.edu/mime/seed

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