26 Mar 2018

Media mentions: Diabetes and PBS listings

New diabetes medicines added to PBS list. Image: Channel 9
25 Mar 2018: Channel 9 story, "New diabetes medicines hit PBS". Excerpt:

Monash University's Professor Mark Cooper said new medicines were needed to help people who were struggling to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

"We know that approximately half of all Australians taking tablets for type 2 diabetes have higher than recommended blood sugar levels," Professor Cooper said.

"Alarmingly, the risk of diabetic complications like blindness, kidney failure and limb amputations jumps around 40 percent with every one percentage point increase in blood sugar above recommended levels.

"It is vital that all Australians living with type 2 diabetes regularly monitor their blood sugar and talk with their doctor about treatments to help them maintain or achieve blood sugar targets," he said.

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