31 Oct 2018

Congratulations to Maria Selvadurai on THANZ medal win!

Maria Selvadurai presenting at a CCS information night
Congratulations to Maria Selvadurai, winner of the 2018 Thrombosis and Haemostasis society of Australia and New Zealand (THANZ) medal! Maria earned the medal for the best presentation at the #blood18 meeting in the THANZ stream. A fantastic reward for some great work well presented! Her presentation title was "Targeting the platelet internal membrane reveals a novel approach for improved anti-platelet therapies". Maria is a PhD student in Associate Professor Justin Hamilton's lab.

You can follow the Hamilton lab on Twitter at @lab_hamilton
Photo https://t.co/4UFjtAtKKJ
Tweet https://twitter.com/lab_hamilton/status/1054958875919740928?s=03

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