25 Oct 2018

Photo of the week: 2018 EMCR@Alfred Symposium

L-R: Dr Rosanne Freak-Poli (SPHPM), Dr Jodie Abramovitch (Department of Immunology and Pathology) and
360biolabs Best EMCR Speaker award winner, Dr Evelyn Tsantikos (Department of Immunology and Pathology)
The biennial AMREP (now known as Alfred Research Alliance) EMCR symposium was held on Friday 5 October 2018. The symposium focused on the professional development of future leaders in medical research.

Dr Evelyn Tsantikos, of the Department of Immunology and Pathology, was this year's winner of the 360biolabs Best EMCR Speaker award. Christina Ekegren (SPHPM) won the runner Up Best EMCR Speaker award.

Other winners of one of the AMREP EMCR Committee's Biomedical best paper awards from the day include: 

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