22 Oct 2019

Congratulations to Ee Fang Yu, Steven Ngo, Rose Brazilek and Shane Nanayakkara on their PhD completions

L-R: Ee Fang Yu, Steven Ngo, Rose Brazilek and Shane Nanayakkara
Congratulations to our recently completed graduate research students, Miss Ee Fang Yu, Mr Steven Ngo, Miss Rose Brazilek and Mr Shane Nanayakkara on the award of their PhDs!

Miss Ee Fang Yu's thesis is titled, "The diagnostic and therapeutic development of molecular agents for inflammation and thrombosis". Ee Fang was supervised by Professor Karlheinz Peter and Dr Xiaowei Wang (both in CCS's Department of Medicine and the Baker Institute).

Mr Steven Ngo's thesis is titled, "Mechanisms of differentiation therapy response and relapse in acute myeloid leukaemia". Steven was supervised by Associate Professor Ross Dickins (ACBD) and Professor Benjamin Kile (Biomedicine Discovery Institute).

Miss Rose Brazilek's thesis is titled, "Engineering and validation of an integrated lab on a chip platform for platelet research and clinical diagnostics". Rose was supervised by Dr Warwick NesbittProfessor Harshal Nandurkar (ACBD) and Arnan Mitchell.

Mr Shane Nanayakkara's thesis is titled, "Mechanisms and therapeutics of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction". Shane was supervised by Professor David Kaye (Baker/Department of Medicine) and Dr Melissa Byrne (Baker Institute).

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